This week's shipment has 12 of Sarah Moore's new favorite butterfly, Siderone nemisis. These are very handsome black and red butterflies as featured on a recent postage stamp. Unlike Sarah's old favorite (can you guess?), they rarely get involved in escapes.
El Salvador
06 - Caligo memnon (Owl Butterfly)
12 - Catonephele numilia (Numilia)
30 - Consul fabius (Tiger Leafwing)
06 - Heliconius erato (Small Postman)
30 - Heliconius hecale (Tiger Longwing)
15 - Heliconius hortense (Mountain Longwing)
10 - Heliconius ismenius (Ismenius Longwing)
25 - Morpho peleides (Blue Morpho)
10 - Morpho polyphemus (White Morpho)
12 - Myscelia ethusa (Royal Blue Butterfly)
30 - Papilio androgeus (Androgeus Swallowtail)
10 - Papilio erostratus (Dusky Swallowtail)
20 - Papilio torquatus (Band-gapped Swallowtail)
20 - Parides photinus (Queen of Hearts)
10 - Phoebis philea (Orange Barred Sulfur)
12 - Siderone nemesis (Red-striped Leafwing)
12 - Tithorea harmonia (Harmonia Tigerwing)
Total = 270
05 - Argema mimosae (African Moon Moth) KENYA
10 - Athyma perius (Common Sergeant) THAILAND
10 - Cethosia cyane (Leopard Lacewing) MALAYSIA
10 - Charaxes cithaeron (Blue-spotted Charexes) KENYA
10 - Euphaedra neophron (Gold-banded Forester) KENYA
07 - Euploea core(Common Crow) THAILAND
10 - Graphium agamemnon (Tailed Jay) PHILIPPINES
40 - Hypolimnas bolina (Great Eggfly) THAILAND
07 - Hypolimnas misippus (Danaid Eggfly) THAILAND
10 - Idea leuconoe (Paper Kite) PHILIPPINES
10 - Ideopsis vulgaris (Blue Glassy Tiger) MALAYSIA
10 - Junonia (Precis) atlites (Gray Pansy) MALAYSIA
11 - Pachliopta kotzeboea (Pink Rose) PHILIPPINES
20 - Papilio dardanus (Mocker Swallowtail) KENYA
10 - Papilio lowii (Sunset Swallowtail) PHILIPPINES
10 - Papilio nireus (Blue-banded Swallowtail) KENYA
05 - Papilio palinurus (Banded Peacock) PHILIPPINES
10 - Papilio polytes (Polite swallowtail) THAILAND
05 - Papilio rumanzovia (Crimson Swallowtail) PHILIPPINES
20 - Parthenos sylvia lilacinus (Blue Clipper) THAILAND
05 - Salamis anacardii (Clouded Mother Of Pearl) KENYA
20 - Tirumala limniace (Blue Tiger) THAILAND
Total = 260
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