Saturday, March 14, 2015

Fresh Sheet – March 14, 2015

Spring may be right around the corner, but it’s always summer in our Tropical Butterfly House. Stop by and view the latest arrivals from El Salvador and Suriname.

Bioproductores de El Salvador

06 - Archeoprepona demophoon (Hubner’s Prepona)
30 - Caligo memnon (Owl Butterfly)
25 - Catonephele numilia (Numilia)
05 - Heliconius hecale (Tiger Longwing)
26 - Heliconius hortense (Mountain Longwing)
20 - Heliconius ismenius (Ismenius Longwing)
20 - Lycorea cleobaea (Large Tiger)
22 - Morpho polyphemus (White Morpho)
30 - Myscelia ethusa (Royal Blue Butterfly)
10 - Papilio androgeus (Queen Page)
25 - Papilio torquatus (Band-gapped Swallowtail)
15 - Archeoprepona demophon (One-spotted Prepona)
08 - Prepona omphale (Blue Belly-Button)

Total = 242

Neotropical Insects NV

20 - Battus polydamas (Polydamus Swallowtail)
05 - Heraclides thoas (Thoas Swallowtail)
10 - Heraclides anchisiades (Ruby-spotted Swallowtail)
35 - Heliconius melpomene (Postman)
10 - Heliconius hecale (Tiger Longwing)
30 - Dryas iulia (Julia Longwing)
30 - Anartia amathea (Scarlet Peacock)
30 - Biblis hyperia (Red Rim)
35 - Caligo memnon (Owl Butterfly)
05 - Eryphanis polyxena (Purple Mort Bleu Owl)
30 - Mechanitis polymnia (Polymnia Tigerwing)
30 - Tithorea harmonia (Harmonia Tigerwing)

Total = 270


“Fresh Sheet” is our weekly shipment report of pupae on display in the emerging window. Visit Pacific Science Center’s Tropical Butterfly House and meet our newest residents.

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