“Fresh Sheet” is our weekly shipment report of pupae on display in the emerging window. Visit Pacific Science Center’s Tropical Butterfly House and meet our newest residents.
Costa Rica
10 - Agraulis vanilla (Gulf Fritllary)
37 - Anartia fatima (Banded Peacock)
11 - Battus belus (Belus Swallowtail)
20 - Battus polydamas (Polydamus Swallowtail)
11 - Caligo atreus (Yellow-Edged Giant-Owl)
11 - Caligo eurilochus (Forest Giant Owl)
11 - Caligo memnon (Owl Butterfly)
16 - Catonephele mexicana(Mexican Catone)
22 - Catonephele numilia (Numilia)
11 - Chlosyne janais (Crimson Patch)
20 - Colobura dirce (Mosaic butterfly)
29 - Danaus plexippus (The Monarch)
25 - Dryadula phaetusa (Banded Orange Heliconian)
12 - Dryas iulia (Julia Longwing)
26 - Heliconius charitonius (Zebra Longwing)
26 - Heliconius doris (Doris Longwing)
11 - Heliconius eleuchia (Eleuchia Longwing)
10 - Heliconius erato (Small Postman)
40 - Heliconius hecale (Tiger Longwing)
03 - Heliconius hewitsoni
34 - Heliconius ismenius (Ismenius Longwing)
10 - Heliconius melpomene (Postman)
11 - Heliconius sapho (Sapho Longwing)
09 - Heliconius sara (Sara Longwing)
13 - Heraclides anchisiades (Ruby-spotted Swallowtail)
17 - Hypna clytemnestra (Silver-studded Leafwing)
09 - Mechanitis polymnia (Polymnia Tigerwing)
38 - Morpho peleides (Blue Morpho)
34 - Myselia cyaniris (Blue Wave Butterfly)
11 - Papilio cresphontes (Giant Swallowtail)
16 - Papilio polyxenes (Black Swallowtail)
05 - Parides iphidamas (Iphidamas or Transandean Cattleheart)
11 - Phoebis argente (Apricot Sulfur)
35 - Phoebis philea (Orange Barred Sulfur)
17 - Siproeta epaphus (Rusty-tipped Page)
16 - Siproeta stelenes (Malachite)
Total = 648
We received a big shipment of pupae this week from Costa Rica including three species we rarely see: Heliconius eleuchia, Heliconius hewitsoni, and Phoebis argente. Come visit the Tropical Butterfly House and see them for yourself!
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