“Fresh Sheet” is our weekly shipment report of pupae on display in the emerging window. Visit Pacific Science Center’s Tropical Butterfly House and meet our newest residents.
El Salvador
10 - Anteos maerula (Ghost sulfur)
30 - Caligo memnon (Owl Butterfly)
30 - Catonephele numilia (Numilia)
30 - Consul fabius (Tiger Leafwing)
10 - Heliconius erato(Small Postman)
30 - Heliconius hecale(Tiger Longwing)
10 - Heliconius hortense(Mountain Longwing)
12 - Lycorea cleobaea (Large Tiger)
80 - Morpho peleides(Blue Morpho)
10 - Morpho polyphemus (White Morpho)
10 - Myselia cyaniris (Blue Wave Butterfly)
30 - Myscelia ethusa (Royal Blue Butterfly)
10 - Papilio thoas (Thoas Swallowtail)
30 - Prepona omphale=archeoprepona omphale (Blue Belly-Button)
10 - Siderone nemesis (Red-striped Leafwing)
12 - Tithorea harmonia (Harmonia Tigerwing)
Total 354
Los Angeles
10 – Argema mimosa(African Moon Moth)
07 - Ariadne Ariadne (Angled Castor)
10 - Athyma perius(Common Sergeant)
05 - Catopsilia scylla(Orange Emigrant)
10 - Cethosia biblis (Red Lacewing)
10 - Cethosia cyane(Leopard Lacewing)
05 - Charaxes brutus (White-barred Charaxes)
10 - Charaxes castor (Giant Charaxes)
10 - Charaxes cithaeron (Blue-spotted Charexes)
05 - Charaxes violetta (Violet-spotted Emperor)
10 - Chilasa clytia(Common Mime)
10 - Doleschalia bisaltide (Autumn Leaf)
10 - Euploea core(Common Crow)
10 - Graphium agamemnon (Tailed Jay)
10 - Hypolimnas bolina (Great Eggfly)
10 - Idea leuconoe (Paper Kite)
10 - Ideopsis juventa(Wood Nymph)
10 - Kallima inachus (Dead Leaf)
10 - Pachliopta kotzeboea (Pink Rose)
10 - Papilio lowii (Sunset Swallowtail)
10 - Papilio memnon (Great Mormon)
20 - Papilio nireus (Blue-banded Swallowtail)
10 - Papilio polytes (Polite Swallowtail)
10 - Papilio rumanzovia (Crimson Swallowtail)
Total = 232
El Salvador
10 - Anteos maerula (Ghost sulfur)
30 - Caligo memnon (Owl Butterfly)
30 - Catonephele numilia (Numilia)
30 - Consul fabius (Tiger Leafwing)
10 - Heliconius erato(Small Postman)
30 - Heliconius hecale(Tiger Longwing)
10 - Heliconius hortense(Mountain Longwing)
12 - Lycorea cleobaea (Large Tiger)
80 - Morpho peleides(Blue Morpho)
10 - Morpho polyphemus (White Morpho)
10 - Myselia cyaniris (Blue Wave Butterfly)
30 - Myscelia ethusa (Royal Blue Butterfly)
10 - Papilio thoas (Thoas Swallowtail)
30 - Prepona omphale=archeoprepona omphale (Blue Belly-Button)
10 - Siderone nemesis (Red-striped Leafwing)
12 - Tithorea harmonia (Harmonia Tigerwing)
Total 354
Los Angeles
10 – Argema mimosa(African Moon Moth)
07 - Ariadne Ariadne (Angled Castor)
10 - Athyma perius(Common Sergeant)
05 - Catopsilia scylla(Orange Emigrant)
10 - Cethosia biblis (Red Lacewing)
10 - Cethosia cyane(Leopard Lacewing)
05 - Charaxes brutus (White-barred Charaxes)
10 - Charaxes castor (Giant Charaxes)
10 - Charaxes cithaeron (Blue-spotted Charexes)
05 - Charaxes violetta (Violet-spotted Emperor)
10 - Chilasa clytia(Common Mime)
10 - Doleschalia bisaltide (Autumn Leaf)
10 - Euploea core(Common Crow)
10 - Graphium agamemnon (Tailed Jay)
10 - Hypolimnas bolina (Great Eggfly)
10 - Idea leuconoe (Paper Kite)
10 - Ideopsis juventa(Wood Nymph)
10 - Kallima inachus (Dead Leaf)
10 - Pachliopta kotzeboea (Pink Rose)
10 - Papilio lowii (Sunset Swallowtail)
10 - Papilio memnon (Great Mormon)
20 - Papilio nireus (Blue-banded Swallowtail)
10 - Papilio polytes (Polite Swallowtail)
10 - Papilio rumanzovia (Crimson Swallowtail)
Total = 232
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