“Fresh Sheet” is our weekly shipment report of pupae on display in the emerging window. Visit Pacific Science Center’s Tropical Butterfly House and meet our newest residents.
Costa Rica
24 - Archeoprepona demophon (One-spotted Prepona)
19 - Caligo eurilochus (Forest Giant Owl)
15 - Catonephele numilia (Numilia)
10 - Chlosyne janais (Crimson Patch)
25 - Colobura dirce (Mosaic butterfly)
10 - Consul fabius (Tiger Leafwing)
36 - Danaus plexippus (The Monarch)
25 - Dryas iulia (Julia Longwing)
27 - Eueudes isabella (Isabella’s Longwing)
25 - Greta oto (Glasswing)
20 - Heliconius charitonius(Zebra Longwing)
02 - Heliconius cydno (Cydno Longwing)
25 - Heliconius doris (Doris Longwing)
54 - Heliconius hecale(Tiger Longwing)
63 - Heliconius ismenius(Ismenius Longwing)
25 - Heliconius melpomene(Postman)
03 - Heliconius sapho(Sapho Longwing)
10 - Heliconius sara(Sara Longwing)
15 - Heraclides anchisiades (Ruby-spotted Swallowtail)
22 - Heraclides thoas (Giant Swallowtail)
27 - Hypna clytemnestra(Silver-studded Leafwing)
25 - Mechanitis polymnia(Polymnia Tigerwing)
50 - Morpho peleides(Blue Morpho)
25 - Nessaea aglaura(Aglaura Olivewing)
10 - Papilio cresphontes (Giant Swallowtail)
20 - Papilio polyxenes (Black Swallowtail)
10 - Phoebis philea (Orange Barred Sulfur)
13 - Siproeta stelenes(Malachite)
20 - Tithorea tarricina(Cream-Spotted Clearwing)
Total = 655
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