The last pupae shipment of the year has arrived from Costa Rica with 562 specimens including some of the largest and some of the smallest butterflies we ever get.
Costa Rica
08 - Biblis hyperia (Red Rim)
20 - Caligo atreus (Yellow-Edged Giant-Owl)
06 - Caligo eurilochus (Forest Giant Owl)
05 - Caligo memnon (Owl Butterfly)
30 - Catonephele numilia (Numilia)
40 - Danaus plexippus (The Monarch)
23 - Dryas iulia (Julia Longwing)
04 - Eryphanis polyxena (Purple Mort Bleu Owl)
10 - Eueudes isabella (Isabella’s Longwing)
14 - Greta oto (Glasswing)
11 - Hamadryas amphinome (Red Calico)
22 - Heliconius charitonius (Zebra Longwing)
18 - Heliconius cydno (Cydno Longwing)
30 - Heliconius doris (Doris Longwing)
11 - Heliconius erato (Small Postman)
33 - Heliconius hecale (Tiger Longwing)
31 - Heliconius ismenius (Ismenius Longwing)
13 - Heliconius melpomene (Postman)
19 - Heraclides anchisiades (Ruby-spotted Swallowtail)
22 - Hypna clytemnestra (Silver-studded Leafwing)
04 - Morpho amathonte (Amathonte's Morpho,)
38 - Morpho peleides (Blue Morpho)
14 - Myselia cyaniris (Blue Wave Butterfly)
08 - Opsiphanes quiteria (Scalloped Owl)
13 - Papilio polyxenes (Black Swallowtail)
20 - Parides iphidamas (Transandean Cattleheart)
19 - Philaethria dido (Scarce Bamboo Page)
31 - Phoebis philea (Orange Barred Sulfur)
04 - Prepona omphale (Blue Belly-Button)
16 - Siproeta epaphus (Rusty-tipped Page)
25 - Siproeta stelenes (Malachite)
Total = 562
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