This week’s shipment includes the rarely seen Small Striped Swordtail, Graphium policenes. Visit us and see if you can tell the difference from the Large Striped Swordtail, Graphium antheus.
El Salvador
30 - Archeoprepona demophon (One-spotted Prepona)
20 - Battus belus (Belus Swallowtail)
20 - Caligo memnon (Owl Butterfly)
20 - Catonephele numilia (Numilia)
20 - Consul fabius (Tiger Leafwing)
20 - Doxocopa laure (Silver Emperor)
20 - Dryadula phaetusa (Banded Orange Heliconian)
20 - Heliconius hecale (Tiger Longwing)
10 - Heliconius ismenius (Ismenius Longwing)
12 - Lycorea cleobaea (Large Tiger)
45 - Morpho peleides (Blue Morpho)
45 - Morpho polyphemus (White Morpho)
10 - Myselia cyaniris (Blue Wave Butterfly)
20 - Myscelia ethusa (Royal Blue Butterfly)
20 - Papilio androgeus (Androgeus Swallowtail)
30 - Prepona omphale=archeoprepona omphale (Blue Belly-Button)
Total = 362
04 - Catopsilia scylla (Orange Emigrant)
20 - Cethosia cyane (Leopard Lacewing)
03 - Charaxes brutus (White-barred Charaxes)
10 - Charaxes cithaeron (Blue-spotted Charexes)
10 - Charaxes protoclea (Flame-bordered Charexes)
10 - Chilasa clytia (Common Mime)
10 - Euploea core (Common Crow)
10 - Graphium agamemnon (Tailed Jay)
10- Graphium antheus (Large Striped Swordtail)
08 - Graphium policenes (Small Striped Swordtail)
29 - Hypolimnas bolina (Great Eggfly)
11 - Idea leuconoe (Paper Kite)
02 - Ideopsis juventa (Wood Nymph)
10 - Ideopsis vulgaris (Blue Glassy Tiger)
10 - Pachliopta kotzeboea (Pink Rose)
10 - Papilio demodocus (Orchard Swallowtail)
10 - Papilio helenus (Red Helen)
10 - Papilio lowii (Sunset Swallowtail)
10 - Papilio memnon (Great Mormon)
06 - Papilio polytes (Polite Swallowtail)
20 - Papilio rumanzovia (Crimson Swallowtail)
10 - Parthenos sylvia philippensis (The Clipper)
10 - Parthenos sylvia violaceae (Violet Clipper)
07 - Tirumala septentrionus(Dark Blue Tiger)
Total = 250
Grand Total = 612
“Fresh Sheet” is our weekly shipment report of pupae on display in the emerging window. Visit Pacific Science Center’s Tropical Butterfly House and meet our newest residents.
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